Customer Testimonials

“I felt comfortable having the crew here. They were respectable of our house. We feel confident meeting Phil with jobs. No pressure and very professional. We completely trust Phil’s opinion and frequently recommend Hollingsworth Home Improvement when asked for contract recommendations.”

~ Bill & Sue Begg

“From the estimator to the work crews to the office staff, everyone we dealt with at Hollingsworth was easy to work with and friendly/courteous. We were particularly impressed that the owner came by to inspect the final job.” 

~ Gary & Tara Myers

“Derrick and Oscar and their crews were polite, responding promptly to questions and were meticulous in their work.”

~ Christopher Gresk

“Can’t believe how exceptionally neat the crew was! Every night they totally cleaned up and when the job was finished, it never looked like they had been there! (Except of course, for the beautiful new roof!)”

~ Bob & Linda Scott

“New gutters with Alcoa Leaf Relief were installed. We are very satisfied with the appearance and soundness of the installation. The job took about 6 hours with three workers. They worked steadily, kept us informed, and did a thorough cleanup. Their quote was also the lowest.”

~ Darrell Werges

“Fantastic job, couldn’t be more pleased. Very good at what they do and very courteous. Phil Hollingsworth is a man you can trust.” ~ Gene Trezzo

~ Gene Trezzo

“Job turned out even better than we anticipated. Fair pricing for quality work. Detail conscious and aimed for customer satisfaction. Thanks, Hollingsworth!! – so glad we found you!!”

~ Shelly & Jerry Fisher

“Excellent job. Workers were courteous and very clean and organized. [Office management was] also excellent. Appointments kept in a timely manner.”

~ Linda Smith

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